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Managing Credentials

To manage the progression of freight from stage to stage, Kargo will often require read/write permissions on private GitOps repositories and read-only permissions on private container image and/or Helm chart repositories.

This section presents an overview of how these credentials can be managed.

Credentials as Kubernetes Secret Resources


Kargo formerly borrowed its general credential-management approach from Argo CD, but has since diverged.

Kargo expects any credentials it requires to have been stored as specially labeled Kubernetes Secret resources containing specially-formatted data. These Secrets take the following form:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <name>
namespace: <project namespace>
labels: <cred type>
repoURL: <repo url>
username: <username>
password: <password>

The name of such a Secret is inconsequential and may follow any convention preferred by the user.


Kargo uses Kubernetes Namespaces to mark project boundaries. Secrets representing credentials will typically exist in the same Namespace as the Stage resources that will require them. There are exceptions to this, which are covered in the next section.

The label key and its value, one of git, helm, or image, is important, as it designates the Secret as representing credentials for a Git repository, a Helm chart repository, or a container image repository, respectively.

The Secret's data field (set above using plaintext in the stringData field), MUST contain the following keys:

  • repoURL: The full URL of the repository the credentials are for.

  • username: The username to use when authenticating to the repository.

  • password: A password or personal access token.


    If the value of the password key is a personal access token, the value of the username field may be inconsequential. You should consult your repository's documentation for more information.

Optionally, the following keys may also be included:

  • repoURLIsRegex: Set this to true if the value of the repoURL key is a regular expression. Any other value of this key or the absence of this key is interpreted as false.

When Kargo searches for repository credentials in a project Namespace, it first checks all appropriately labeled Secrets for a repoURL value matching the repository URL exactly. Only if no Secret is an exact match does it check all appropriately labeled Secrets for a repoURL value containing a regular expression matching the repository URL.

When searching for an exact match, and again when searching for a pattern match, appropriately labeled Secrets are considered in lexical order by name.


Only username/password (or personal access token) authentication is supported at this time. Others are likely to be added in the future.

Global Credentials

In cases where one or more sets of credentials are needed widely across all Kargo projects, the administrator/operator installing Kargo may opt-in to designating one or more Namespaces as homes for "global" credentials using the controller.globalCredentials.namespaces setting in Kargo's Helm chart. Refer to the advanced section of the installation guide for more details.


Any matching credentials (exact match or pattern match) found in a project's own Namespace take precedence over those found in any global credentials Namespace.

When Kargo searches for repository credentials in global credentials Namespaces, it first checks all appropriately labeled Secrets for a repoURL value matching the repository URL exactly. Only if no Secret is an exact match does it check all appropriately labeled Secrets for a repoURL value containing a regular expression matching the repository URL.

When searching for an exact match, and again when searching for a pattern match, appropriately labeled Secrets are considered in lexical order by name.

When Kargo is configured with multiple global credentials Namespaces, they are searched in lexical order by name. Only after no exact match and no pattern match is found in one global credentials Namespace does Kargo search the next.


It is important to understand the security implications of this feature. Any credentials stored in a global credentials Namespace will be available to all Kargo projects.